Rates and Reviews

SAT / ACT: $115 / hour

Math / Physics / Writing: $85 / hour

Chess: $75 / hour

Each hour-long session typically extends to 65-75 minutes at no extra cost. For test prep students I dedicate a combined total of at least 30 minutes (15 minutes for other subjects) outside of each lesson to creating a detailed and custom-made homework + lesson summary email and to maintaining communication with the student and with the parents.

Significant discounts are available for long lessons and for small group lessons; please contact me for more information.


You can pay before, during, or after each lesson via Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo.

Below are the 20 Google Business reviews I received in the past, before my listing was suspended due to not meeting Google Business's criteria of not operating exclusively online. Please contact me if you'd like to see more of the jubilant expressions of gratitude I've received, including more recent ones from 2024.